Inject CDI beans into Tapestry-5.x e.g. in Jboss-7.0.2-Final

As I explained in “Inject Java EE Beans into Tapestry-5.x“, the AppModule offers a way to configure Tapestry Web Applications directly in Java. In that post, we injected Java EE Beans into Tapestry applications. This time we do the same with Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) Beans. It follows the same procedure. The only difference is the way of looking up a bean. We still use JNDI for a lookup, but this time we retrieve the CDI BeanManager. In a second step we get the bean. For performance reasons we retrieve the bean only once per Thread (see annotation @Scope). It will be cached for subsequent lookups.
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CDI and Transactions e.g. in JBoss-7.0.2

In Java EE applications you are safe to consider that every method in a session bean has an associated transaction, since there is an implicit declaration of the transaction attribute required. If you like to change this behavior you have to configure this proactively by adding the annotation @TransactionAttribute with another value (see enum TransactionAttributeType). Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) does not have such an implicit declaration and no direct container managed support for transactions. But it has a very nice realization of the interceptor concept. This post shows, how to facilitate an interceptor in order to add a transaction to every (or a selection) method in a CDI bean, if it does not already exist. This is the default behavior of required.
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